Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Vision for PD for the Year

Well, tomorrow after school Keith and I will attend the first Professional Development Committee meeting for the school year. As active members of the PD committee, Keith and I want to hear the vision for the school year and see how our PG goals can be realized within the scope and sequence for the year.  By the end of school tomorrow, we should have a clear plan in place for the school and should know what sessions will be offered to the staff this upcoming year.  Getting excited!!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

PD, PD, and more PD

Well, the opportunities keep coming and I have begun to realize that as one travels into the realm of PD the pond just keeps getting deeper as teacher needs rise and opportunities abound.  Keith and I have found a dedicated group of teachers interested in planbookedu and the numbers keep growing with each passing day.  It's spreading like wildfire because teachers are always looking for ways to improve their classroom and be more efficient.  We have talked to ITL's in the building, met with interested teachers, and offered one on one tutorial sessions.  The school Moodle continues to be an excting place for teachers to create inspired lessons and we have been working on making it more user friendly for teachers.  In the coming weeks we plan to send out a needs survey to see what teachers need to know about using the Moodle with their classes and then will conduct follow up PD from there.  At this time we're not sure if it will be whole staff or after school break out sessions.  Common Core is still in full swing and Keith and I continue to look for ways to support that through our internship.  One way will be for teachers to log their lesson plans that meet Common Core while using a template created in Moodle.  It will allow teachers to select standards and upload content.  With teachers, we have realized that things must b simple and make their life easier.  No teacher want to add complication to their lives- no matter how beneficial.  Finally, it looks like we might offer a session on podcasts as there seems to be staff interest there as well.
     So, things are going well.  I'm exhausted, but satisfied that things are going smoothly.  I'm still not sure how I will add grad class on top of this busy schedule (class begins next week) but we'll see how it goes.  I only wish we could have taken this class over the summer since unlike previous summers, we only had one class to take (the very enlightening Admin course- can you sense my sarcasm?).  Two classes this summer would not have been too much, I could have focused on the reading, and then go into the school year with just my internship to focus on.  Call me crazy, but this just makes sense.  I have to ask someone about this....