The term moodle refers to interactive web-based platforms that allow users the ability to create and edit content much like a wiki-space. Moodle stands for Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. The aim is to enable users to be able to create online learning environments. They have become increasingly popular over the years as web users have enjoyed the freedom they offer and that they are user-friendly for individuals of all ages. As of By January 9th, 2010, Moodle had:
~46,624 registered sites
~32,464,992 users in 3,161,291 courses
It was also present in:
~209 countries
~More than 75 languages
Many schools in Howard County have begun to explore Moodles as a way to enrich the students while also being useful for educators and administrators. So, how can educators use this technology in their classrooms? More to come...
ReplyDeleteYou're posting so quick, I can't keep up. I like the idea of Moodle, but not for using it for small things in the classroom. I think Moodle is more for the big picture--say for distance education, or some large rollout that the school or county is planning.
@Sherri- Actually, it's kind of fun even for the small things. I like to use it for the capabilities of having discussion boards with the kids. But, then again, it's nice because my school had adopted it so the kids are already used to it.